"Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Relaxation among Patients in Surgical Intensive Care Unit of Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, Directorate of Medical Services, Royal Thai Air Force
Wg.Cdr.Wilailuk Palakawong na Ayuthaya
หออภิบาลผู้ป่วยวิกฤต กองศัลยกรรม รพ.ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช
Objective : To compare relaxation state among patients in surgical intensive care unit (ICU) between patients who received aromatherapy massage nursing care and conventional nursing care.
Material and methods : Patients admitted to surgical ICU were randomly assigned into two group of nursing care. The control group was received conventional nursing care. The experimental group was received aromatherapy massage nursing care. The relaxation state was blinded evaluated with visual analogue scale (VAS). The record form was used to record patient vital sign such as pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure. Data were presented in percent and mean with standard deviation when appropriate. VAS data was compared between groups with student-t test.
Results : Mean relaxation score before and after receive nursing care was statistical different in both groups. Mean relaxation score after received nursing care with aromatherapy massage method was significantly higher than control group who received conventional nursing care.
Conclusion : Aromatherapy massage nursing care was made the patients felling more relaxation than patients who received conventional nursing care.
แพทยสารทหารอากาศ ปี 2555, May-August ปีที่: 58 ฉบับที่ 2 หน้า 66-71
Aromatherapy massage nursing care, surgical intensive care unit