การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบอาการปวดของผู้ป่วยภายหลังการผ่าตัดต่อมทอนซิล ระหว่างกลุ่มผู้ป่วยที่ได้รับยา sucralfate กับกลุ่มผู้ป่วยที่ไม่ได้รับยา sucralfate ในโรงพยาบาลภูมิพลอดุลยเดช พอ.
จารุวรรณ ตรียะวรางพันธ์, ศักดา สุจริตธรรม, สุภาพร ธนะเกียรติวารี
กองโสต ศอ นาสิกกรรม โรงพยาบาลภูมิพลอดุลยเดช กรมแพทย์ทหารอากาศ
            This research is to study and compare the patients’ symptoms after performing tonsillectomy with the study group that was prescribed with Sucralfate and the placebo group that was not, in Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital.            This study is an experimental research, nor randomized chosen, for the reason that all patients are going to have tonsillectomy operation may be assumed not to have many major differences and the researcher have only the limitation of time, during March 1994 – August 1995.  The patients are divided into 2 groups (from the random table of the drug company, see appendix), confidential experimental research staffs and patients, for the double blinded study.            The questionnaires are divided into 2 parts;-         Doctor’s part by filling out patients’ general characteristic, operative details and given parameters.-         Patients’ part by filling out the form using given parameter.Results:            Statistics used; student’s t-test, chi-square test, Z-test, pair t-test.  Resulting P<0.05, considered statistically significant.  The research shown that sucralfate can decrease pain parameter in term of trismus on the morning of the 7th day after the operation compared to the placebo group P<0.05, t-test.  In the recovery parameter, the patients could return to solid food (normally) on the evening of the 7th day after the operation compared to placebo group P < 0.05, Z-test.  In the area of healing, from percentage of tonsillar fossa covered found that the sucralfate group, had mucosa coverage on the 10th day after the operation more than the placebo group with statistics significant P<0.005 t-test.  On the occurrence of infection from fever higher than 37.8 ◦C, discovered that the degree of high ever in sucralfate group was less those in the placebo group with statistics revealed on the 1st evening, 3rd morning, 3rd evening, 8th morning and 10th morning after the operation with statistics significant P<0.05, Z-test.            In condition sucralfate were proven to decrease the post operative pain from trismus starting from the 7th morning after the operation and also helped in the promotion of healing.
แพทยสารทหารอากาศ ปี 2539, October ปีที่: 42 ฉบับที่ 4 หน้า 1-6
Tonsillectomy, Sucralfate