เกศศิริ วงษ์คงคำ
สุวิมล กิมปี
This descriptive research aimed to study the quality of life level and factors affecting quality of life among venous leg ulcer patients with compression bandaging. The 90 samples of the study were venous leg ulcer patients who received medical treatment at the Special Medical Instrument for Treatment and Follow-Up Unit located 1st floor, Syamindhra Building, Siriraj Hospital, and Out-Patient Department, 2nd floor, Surgical Division, Phramongkutklao Hospital. The data collection was carried out by interviewing the participants from July to December, 2005. The collected data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s Product Moment coefficient. The results of the study revealed that venous leg ulcer patients were female (51.1%) with an average age of 56.58 years and duration of ulcer 1-2 years (26.67%). Of the samples 40% had a venous leg ulcer for the first time and half of them (50%) had a venous leg ulcer on the left leg. The venous leg ulcer patients were traders (46.67%) with an average income of 15,072 baht/month, average working time before getting venous leg ulcer was 9.53 hours/day and 84.4% had to stand most of their working time. The quality of life was at a moderate level. Age and self care practice to promote the ulcer healing had a positive correlation with quality of life (r=0.239, p<0.05, and r=0.371, p<0.01, respectively). It is recommended health care providers who work with venous leg ulcer patients should be promoting self care practice to promote the ulcer healing process, by obtaining knowledge about eating and medication, exercise and calf muscle utilization, sleeping and rest, and self care after compression bandaging. Patients’ appropriation should prevent reoccurrences of venous leg ulcers, which can improve the quality of life of patients.
M.N.S. ADULT NURSING มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ปี 2549